Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Class-links posting

I know that the issue of illegal immigration is important to some but I realize that an election is not lost or won based solely on one issue. That is why the election process takes so long. Each candidate tries to persuade the supporters of each issue to vote for them in hopes that if elected the candidate will advocated and do something for their particular issue. The following blogs explain other different issues.

Middle East Politics in 2008 by Kia

I found this blog not only very interesting but full of information that I did know. Before reading Kia's blog I thought I was pretty knowledgeable about what was going on in the middle eastern area, but after reading his blog I realized that I had a limited view and that I did not know all the informaiton. Kia has unique perspective. He is an immigrant himself from that area and so he knows personal what is going on. Kia is also a very intriguing writer and he enthralls the readers to keep reading. At least that is what happened to me when I read it. I find history so pertinent to the U.S.'s situation. If someone knows and understand the history of a place then they can probably predict what will happen next in that area. The Middle East has always been a place of turmoil and war and blood, and Kia brings out all of these struggles to bear against the current situation in the Middle East and how the U.S. is interfering.

Bailout or Failout by Merritt

Merritt seems to have hit the jackpot when it comes to information based on the topic of the Bailout plan. I know it is probably not a hard thing for her to find information. In fact there is probably too much information for her to read everything. In spite of all this information she seems to have found a way to explain this immensely difficult information to a relatively normal audience. When I read her blog, I admit, I was scared. I scared to think that my way of life might have to change. I'm used to certain amneties and this economic crisis puts everybody in a bind to find comfort. Merritt in her blog gives a spice of fear with the promise of hope in the future for our economy. Our economy may be in the dumps now but the government is doing everything they can to fix it and help America get back on its feet.

Renewable Engergy: The New Oil?

Tommy is an interesting guy. I think he is one the smartest guys I have ever met. I have to say that I'm kind jealous of his commitment and determination for this project. He always posts all of his postings early..atleast four days in advance. That has to take dedication. But this puts a vibe for the readers. By doing all of this early it shows the audience that Tommy is actively engaged in his topic. He wants the audience to know what is wrong with our current situation in oil and he also shows us what our alternatives could be. I am definitely interesting in what he has to say because I know that our oil consumption is going to end one day and we need something to take its place and then to add on to it. Our population is growing exponential and we as a nation and as a global population need to provide a way to help our children, and their children, and their children after that. What we decide to do now will be the legacy we will leave for future generations. That is the goal of Tommy.

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